"Have had the pleasure" nghĩa là gì?

Thật tuyệt vời vì cả hai đều tin tưởng lẫn nhau. Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

"Have had the pleasure (of)" nghĩa là có vinh hạnh (vì đã gặp ai trước đó/đã làm việc với ai).

Ví dụ
I have had the pleasure of working with Jane for over 10 years and in that time, Jane has become a trusted colleague (đồng nghiệp đáng tin cậy) and lifelong friend.

I have had the pleasure of working with Amanda McKinney on different projects. Some of them were tough, political, and needed a determined (quyết tâm) and focused (tập trung) leader.

“Marty is one of the most unselfish (không ích kỷ) players I have had the pleasure of coaching, and he always puts the team ahead of personal achievements (thành tích cá nhân),” Penn Cambria baseball coach James Poldiak said.

I have had the pleasure of being involved with you, this class of 2020, at many events and have watched you grow. This I know for sure: You will emerge from this historic moment to make the world a better place. You will help right wrongs and move us forward. You will shape our future and be part of making history.

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