"I will believe it when I see it" nghĩa là gì?

Không có dẫn chứng thì ai chẳng nói được. Photo by sobhan joodi from Pexels

"I'll believe it/that when I see it" nghĩa là nhìn thấy mới tin, không thì đợi đấy (điều bạn nói không có bằng chứng).

Ví dụ
"Listen, I don't know," Rinna said. "She didn't show up to some things. She told me she was going to be at something that she didn't come to, so how can I know for sure? I mean, that's an honest answer. I'm sure she's going to be there, but, you know, anything could happen. I'll believe it when I see it."

Baker Mayfield did a video call on Wednesday where he discussed the Cleveland Browns' prospects (triển vọng) for the upcoming season. One comment Mayfield made stood out, as he essentially claimed the Browns are done talking and just want to prove themselves on the field. Honestly, I'll believe that when I see it.

Walz asked for residents to help, but he also said he understood that talk of justice (công lý) to a population that has seen promises repeatedly broken instills (dẫn truyền) an attitude of “I’ll believe it when I see it. I’ll believe it when justice is carried out, I’ll believe it when equity (công bằng) actually means something, I’ll believe it when policies change, I’ll believe it when my child gets the same education as your child when color doesn’t matter.”

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