"Inopportune moment" nghĩa là gì?

Trẻ cần được giáo dục song song kiến thức khoa họa và tâm sinh lý học. Photo by Frontierofficial

"Inopportune moment" nghĩa là thời điểm/khoảnh khắc không thuận lợi, không may, không phù hợp.

Ví dụ
“Don’t just teach biology, also teach behaviour. You could tell a boy it’s normal to have an erection (cương cúng), but also talk to him about what he could you do if he has one at an inopportune moment,” shares Shah. “Children need to understand that they must give and get permission (consent (đồng ý)) to initiate anything sexual ranging from talking to touching,” adds Shah.

Well before this, India had been witnessing a persistent economic downward slide. The pandemic could, thus, not have come at a more inopportune moment. Prime Minister (Thủ tướng) Narendra Modi’s announcement of a ₹20-lakh crore (mười triệu Ấn) stimulus package (gói kích cầu) was, hence, timely even though economists now believe that in real terms it amounts to around 2% of GDP rather than 10% as the government makes out.

The country has been torn asunder on class lines, due to the unforgivable administrative mis-management of the lockdown. The prime minister’s studied silence and the finance minister’s (bộ trưởng bộ tài chính) gloating (hả hê) tone betray (phản bội) an absolute disconnect from the humanitarian crisis (khủng hoảng nhân đạo) unfolding before our eyes. Even state governments have stealthily (lén lút) used this inopportune moment to dilute labour (thay thế nhân công) laws and rights. 

Thu Phương

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