"Lead to believe" nghĩa là gì?

Lẽ ra đã không có nhiều ca tử vong đến thế... Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

"Lead (one) to believe (something)" nghĩa là mang tới niềm tin, khiến ai tin tưởng vào điều gì.

Ví dụ
Thomas’ stats over his first four years in the league lead many to believe he has the crown.

Information and reports we have seen lead us to believe hundreds of deaths may have occurred in care homes in our county which may have been preventable (có thể ngăn chặn được).

“Planet Of The Humans” is a documentary (phim tài liệu) that exposes the renewables industry and renewables industry proponents (người ủng hộ) as being far less rosy and wonderful than we have been lead to believe.

In the article dealing with NHL hockey teams and playoffs: “Hinshaw said the current COVID-19 death toll is one and a half times higher than those caused by influenza over the past five years. Globally, COVID-19 caused more deaths in April than lung cancer, road injuries, diabetes (tiểu đường) or suicide.” Wow, that would lead you to believe that we’re really in a bad spot with COVID-19.

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