Tổng thống Trump không hiểu gì về trao đổi thương mại

giáo sư Donald J. Boudreaux nói rằng mr. trump muốn trừng phạt tq vì gây ra bệnh dịch covid-19, kiện đòi hàng tỷ usd bồi thường thì... usd đó tq lấy ở đâu ra? từ xuất khẩu cho mỹ hay bán trái phiếu mỹ (nguồn tiền mua trái phiếu cũng từ xuất khẩu cho mỹ mà thôi),

vậy vừa trừng phạt tq vừa cấm xuất khẩu tq là làm sao giờ?
Pres. Trump, wishing to punish (trừng phạt) the Chinese for the covid-19 pandemic (đại dịch), is “demanding billions in compensation (bồi thường)” from them (“U.S. officials crafting retaliatory actions (hành động trả đũa) against China over coronavirus as President Trump fumes,” May 1.) Whether or not such punishment is justified, I can’t help but laugh at the hilarious inconsistency in Trump’s policy positions.

Having long complained that we Americans are harmed by the Chinese selling to us goods at prices allegedly too low, Trump now demands either that the Chinese hand over to us goods for free or that they liquidate their investments in America. Of course, being profoundly ignorant of trade (chẳng hiểu gì về thương mại), Trump is unaware of the nature of his demand.

For the Chinese to pay Americans “billions in compensation” the Chinese need billions of U.S. dollars. One way to get these dollars is for the Chinese to export billions-worth more goods, accept payment in dollars, and then turn these dollars back over to Americans – meaning that we would thereby get billions of dollars worth of imports for free.

The only other path available for the Chinese to get the billions of dollars needed to pay the damages that Trump seeks is for them to liquidate (bán) billions of dollars of their investments in dollar-denominated assets. Not only were these investments made possible by earlier Chinese exports – exports that Trump routinely declares to have harmed Americans – their liquidation would, as a practical matter, further lower the value of stocks and other assets in America and drive up interest rates. Punishing the Chinese in this way would thus also damage Americans.

Bài trước: Giải cứu khoai tây
Tags: economics

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