"Odds and sods" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by: Yan on Pexels

"Odds and sods" -> nghĩa là những thứ nhỏ nhặt không cần thiết.

Ví dụ
Well, Coopers Sparkling, what can we say? Malty, tasty, perfect ale for the mid afternoon, usually best while watching the footy, but ideal now if you’re planting the winter vegies (rau), or doing odds and sods around the house.

She was a real adventurer and also had hoarder tendencies (có xu hướng tích trữ), so my home was full of objects and odds and sods we had picked up from travels.

Amid (ở giữa) the odds and sods that drift through my Twitter feed every day, I occasionally find myself drawing connections among seemingly random articles and websites.

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