Suy nghĩ ngoài chiếc hộp

tự tạo bản sao điện tử để ngồi họp zoom thay cho bản thân...
in order to reclaim (lấy lại, giành lại) some of my precious time (thời gian quý báu) I built a Digital Twin of myself that uses the latest in advanced AI Speech Recognition and Text-to-Speech to handle my Zoom meetings for me.

As it turns out, cloning oneself is actually much easier than Westworld would lead you to believe. I took a few screenshots of myself after opening Quicktime and doing File -> New Movie Recording. Next I just built a very-well-coded webapp that uses an open source library called Artyom.js to listen and respond. I programmed it to listen for phrases like...

"How are you?" replies "I'm doing great thank you for asking"
"Did you get that?" replies "I'm having trouble hearing you"
"Bye" replies "Talk to everybody later. Be safe"
...while cycling through those still shots of myself in a very choppy fashion; obviously Zoombot has a bad connection. I then set up a Virtual Webcam with the webapp as the source using some software called ManyCam. That creates a system wide video input that you can set your Zoom webcam to.

Now just crank up those speakers, fire up Zoombot, and freely go forth and enjoy all those other things you'd rather be doing than sitting on video conferences all day.

Tags: work

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