"Spit and polish" nghĩa là gì?

Ngày hội dọn dẹp. Photo by BECOSAN from Pexels

"Spit and polish" nghĩa là lau chùi sạch bóng (hành động nhổ và lau đi). Nghĩa khác là quá chú trọng đến vẻ ngoài mà bỏ qua những điều quan trọng hơn.

Ví dụ
When I was in boot camp in the Navy (Hải quân), we had to have spit-and-polish shoes.

Given the ol’ spit and polish doesn’t meet new health standards (tiêu chuẩn), the ICC is investigating (nghiên cứu) ways bowlers could legally work the ball without saliva (nước bọt).

This revelation (khám phá) heralded (báo trước) much spit and polish and I learned the technique (kỹ thuật) of a daily application of boot polish and cold water, which eventually resulted in this glass like perfect shine.

Since the Army was largely left to itself throughout most of these two decades, post commanders (chỉ huy) sought to attain (đạt được) order, precision (chín xác), neatness (ngăn nắp), and the superficial brilliance (sáng chói) laboriously (chăm chỉ) achieved with spit and polish.

Thu Phương

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