"Spitting into the wind" nghĩa là gì?

Khi những người khác cố gắng ở trong nhà thì có những người như thế này... Photo by Adriaan Greyling from Pexels

"Spitting into the wind" = khạc nhổ vào gió -> nghĩa là làm việc vô ích, lãng phí thời gian.

Ví dụ
So surrendering (đầu hàng) to life — as if life knows better than I do, how to live it. Because, of course, I've got my own opinions about what would be good, but life, when I look back at it, has been pretty darn good to me, even when I was spitting into the wind and fighting it.

Until the post-post-War era of optimism (lạc quan) and white prosperity (phồn thịnh), we could take comfort in the belief that the government (chính phủ) we created was on our side. Never mind Sinclair Lewis, John Steinbeck, Arthur Miller, Woodie Guthrie and Paul Robeson, among the demurrers (kẻ phản đối), spitting in the wind.

My buddy spends his time, tucked away from family and friends, so he can protect them and fight to continue being husband, father, grandfather and friend. The back-to-work crowd, on the other hand, will be out and about, spitting into the wind and endangering (gây nguy hiểm) themselves and others. Thank God idiocy (sự ngu si) isn’t nearly as contagious (dễ lây lan) as the coronavirus is.

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