"Tell a different story" nghĩa là gì?

Các bác sĩ dường như cũng mâu thuẫn trước thông tin về đại dịch. Photo by Gustavo Fring from Pexels

"Tell a different story/tale" hoặc "tell another story/tale" = kể một câu chuyện khác -> nghĩa là cung cấp thông tin nội dung mâu thuẫn hay khác với mong đợi.

Ví dụ
Houston hasn't reported a surge (gia tăng) of coronavirus cases. But its hospitals tell a different story.

“I feel really fortunate (may mắn) that we’re able to be open and provide jobs and also give people something to do,” said Johnson. Their success comes with a range of emotions as other businesses are forced to tell a different tale.

There are also brands that need to pivot (xoay vòng) their business operations to survive (tồn tại), and are taking this opportunity to tell a different story. Nordstrom is now focusing on a new plan for sustainability (bền vững) and phasing out (loại bỏ) plastic bags.

In Sturgeon we trust. But the facts tell a different tale. Our leader is accused (bị buộc tội) of doing no such thing. She doesn’t lead, but cautiously (thận trọng) follows, except where a slim margin of difference is required for political purposes (mục đích chính trị).

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