"Variety store" nghĩa là gì?

Circle-K phát triển vô cùng mạnh mẽ tại Việt Nam. Photo by Anh Vy on Unsplash

"Variety store" nghĩa là cửa hàng tạp hóa hoặc cửa hàng tiện lợi (convenience store).

Ví dụ
A large quantity (lượng lớn) of cash stolen from a St. Thomas variety store employee (nhân viên) has been returned along with an apology (xin lỗi) note, police say.

In 2018, variety stores achieved the most robust (mạnh mẽ) value growth among all store-based retailing channels (kênh bán lẻ) in Vietnam. The appearance (xuất hiện) of international brands such as Miniso and Ilahui since 2016 has changed the Vietnamese variety store retail landscape (cục diện) by bringing a wide range of products.

As neighboring cities grew and eventually surrounded Sun City, the need for a 24-hour convenience store within the boundaries (ranh giới) of Sun City slowly diminished (giảm dần). Within a decade, Circle K would close the store and leave the community (cộng đồng), though the company returned eventually with stores at 9848 W. Bell Road and 18610 N. 107th Ave.

Thu Phương

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