Vì sao Trung Quốc phát triển?

đó là "hòa mình vào dòng chảy nhân loại" :)
from page xv of Jagdish Bhagwati’s and Arvind Panagariya’s 2013 book, Why Growth Matters (footnote deleted):

The experience of China, India, and East Asia – whose population amounts to not quite half of the global total population – demonstrates how growth is stimulated and sustained with the policy framework (khuôn khổ chính sách) that exploits the opportunities (tận dụng cơ hội) provided by integration into the world economy (hội nhập nền kinh tế giới), and also relies on a sophisticated (tinh tế, tinh vi) use of market incentives (động cơ thị trường) in guiding production and investment. Conversely, they also demonstrate that a shift away from such a policy framework undermines growth.

Tags: economics

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