John Bolton nói gì về Donald Trump?

trump nài nỉ tập mua nông sản mỹ năm bầu cử để trump có thể giành lá phiếu ở các bang nông nghiệp (và trúng cử)...
Here are a few of the explosive (gây nổ, dễ bùng nổ) allegations (cáo buộc) about Mr. Trump's foreign policy (chính sách đối ngoại) in the book:

■ President Trump asked President Xi Jinping of China to buy a lot of American agricultural products to help him win farm states in this year's election. He writes that Mr. Trump was "pleading with (nài nỉ, cầu xin) Xi to ensure he'd win."

■ During Mr. Trump's 2018 meeting with North Korea's leader, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo slipped (trượt mảnh giấy) Mr. Bolton a note disparaging (làm mất uy tín, làm mất thể diện, làm mang tai mang tiếng, làm ô danh; gièm pha, chê bai; coi rẻ, xem thường, miệt thị) the president, saying, "He is so full of shit." A month later, Mr. Pompeo dismissed the president's North Korea diplomacy as having "zero probability of success." (khả năng thành công là con số không)

■ According to an excerpt (đoạn trích) published by The Wall Street Journal, Mr. Trump said Mr. Xi should go ahead with building internment camps (trại giam giữ, trại tập trung) for Uighurs, a Muslim minority in China's Xinjiang region. He said he thought it was "the right thing to do," according to Mr. Bolton.

■ Ahead of the 30th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre (thảm sát), Mr. Trump apparently refused to issue a statement, saying: "Who cares about it? I'm trying to make a deal. I don't want anything."

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