"As swift as the wind" nghĩa là gì?

"(As) wift as the wind" = nhanh như gió -> nghĩa là nhanh kinh khủng và đầy tốc độ.

Ví dụ
I didn’t have time to see Shingen’s earthworks (công việc đào đắp, công tác đất), but I was able to see the Takeda Shrine, where visitors can see his ancient battle flag. It carries an inscription from Sun Tzu’s Art of War: “as swift as the wind, as quiet as a forest, as swift as a fire, as unshakable as a mountain.”

I had only just opened the front door. It was an instant attack. The swarmed passed the two cars resting in the porch (hiên, hành lang), over the little pots and raggedy plants, and fell upon me in a heap to disgusting to describe. Cry out I did not, for they were as swift as the wind and my voice was lost in their suffocating grip (kìm, ôm chặt nghẹt thở).

In the novel, Dong Zhuo rescued the young Han Emperor from the Ten Eunuchs, only to end up subjugating (chinh phục, khuất phục) the royal. Dong Zhuo’s tyrannical grip knew no bounds, wantonly (ngang ngạnh) executing officers and humiliating the imperial (oai nghi, quyền thế) family. Absolute power led to absolute corruption — he killed not just the men, but the women and children, too. At his side stands the mighty Lu Bu, considered the greatest warrior in all of China. A saying goes: “Among men Lu Bu, among horses Red Hare” — the latter refers to Lu Bu’s extraordinary steed who can travel great distances as swift as the wind.

Ka Tina

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