“Beat time” nghĩa là gì?

“Beat time” -> (trong âm nhạc) nghĩa là đánh nhịp bằng hành động cơ thể như vỗ tay, gõ chân, gật đầu, vv.

Ví dụ
Many of us have plenty of time on our hands right now. So if you want to know how to beat time, check out Inspector Pulse's show about rhythm!

The concertmaster (người chỉ huy dàn nhạc) often beat time with the scroll of his violin, suggesting that Jansons wasn't entirely in control of the performance.

It was raining ferociously (hung tợn, tàn bạo), causing the women and orphans (trẻ mồ côi) to move away from the open windows to avoid getting wet. The meeting had opened with singing as survivors of the 1994 genocide (tội diệt chủng) in Rwanda danced away their sorrows (nỗi đau). A teenaged orphan beat time on a drum to the music. Women wore long flowery dresses and beautiful head scarfs. Babies sat on laps; toddlers (đứa bé chỉ mới biết đi) wandered freely. After the singing, the Solace Ministries director of counseling, “Mama Lambert,” welcomed newcomers—many of whom walked miles to the ministry’s Kigali headquarters. They had come because someone told them it was a place of comfort.

Ka Tina

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