"Beyond the horizon" nghĩa là gì?

Chẳng thể biết trước được điều gì. Photo by Hello I'm Nik 🎞 on Unsplash

"Beyond the horizon" nghĩa là ngoài giới hạn tầm nhìn, vượt xa những gì ta có thể thấy, biết trước hoặc dự đoán.

Ví dụ
As a global health crisis quickly gives way to an economic one, each day brings a clearer outlook on the scale of global recession (suy thoái) that awaits us just beyond the horizon.

The curvature (độ cong) of the globe, like the shape of thinking, means that there is always a limit to our field of vision (tầm nhìn). An aphorism (cách ngôn), in this sense, is a mark of our finitude (tính hữu hạn), ever approaching the receding horizon. Beyond the horizon of language, thinking can go no further.

No crisis better demonstrated the need for objective truth (sự thật khách quan) than the Covid-19 crisis. That is fundamentally the role of intelligence: to know the truth, to see beyond the horizon, and to allow decisions before events dictate (mệnh lệnh). It is possible that if the details about the origin of the virus, its spread, and the numbers of affected were known earlier, different life-saving decisions could have been made.

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