"Beyond feeling" nghĩa là gì?

Ngắm nhìn bản thân đẹp đẽ là một loại năng lượng tích cực. Photo by Adrienn from Pexels

"Beyond feeling" nghĩa là vô cảm, không còn cảm xúc với điều gì (sau khi trải qua cảm xúc mạnh như căng thẳng, sợ hãi...).

Ví dụ
But the real man is beyond growing old, because he is beyond feeling anything. He is stationary (đứng yên), outside of life. The world is a blank to him and always will be.

He didn't pity us. Not that I want pity. I want feeling. Because reality is more than just reason. Reality is beyond reason, but it isn't beyond feeling. But Yage was beyond feeling. He wasn't natural.

I wear makeup in varying degrees and it definitely has a positive connotation (ý nghĩa tích cực) for me. While I have grown beyond feeling "naked" without it, I still treat it as a valuable addition to my self presentation.

For my own part, I have always found that cognition (nhận thức), when highly purified (thanh lọc), could fly higher than feeling. It is perfectly true that Transcendental Knowledge is beyond thought, but, at the same time, it is equally beyond feeling and sensation (cảm giác).

Thu Phương

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