Nhớ xét cả hai mặt

đừng chỉ nghĩ đến chi tiêu của chính phủ (để kích cầu), thu ở đâu để có chi tiêu, là thuế đó...

(lời hứa của tổng thống hoover "có gà vào bữa tối cho mọi nhà" thì phải bao nhiêu người làm việc ở trại ấp gà trong bao nhiêu ngày/năm, đầu tắt mặt tối ra sao...)
trích dẫn hôm nay... Earlier in the day I’d e-mailed Dick telling him of the challenge that I’m having writing a paper to clearly explain just what Jim Buchanan meant when he criticized (chỉ trích) Anglo-American economists for analyzing (phân tích) the taxing (“factor-market”) side of a government’s budget (ngân sách của chính phủ) separately from (tách rời khỏi) the spending (“product-market”) side; Buchanan sought to build a “bridge” between these two sides of a government’s budget choices so that decisions made on one side are tied more closely to decisions made on the other side:

In this respect, it is also notable that nearly invariably politicians stress the product market side of their doings and avoid the factor market side. If you take that Herbert Hoover pledge (lời hứa, lời cam kết) of a chicken in every pot, that pledge could have been stated as a program to force (ép buộc) people to spend a day a week working in chicken farms. But that program would rightfully sound draconian (hà khắc, khắc nghiệt, tàn bạo) to people, whereas the other sounds warm-and-fuzzy.

giáo sư DON BOUDREAUX: It’s a sad reality that the collective nature of governments’ budgetary choices make the use of such fiscal bridges damaging to the political careers of those in any polity larger than a relatively small number of individuals.

Bài trước: Bài học còn đó
Tags: economics

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