Bài học còn đó

đừng nghĩ đến big government nhé, liên xô là ví dụ hoàn hảo nhất về big gov -> sụp...
trích dẫn hôm nay… is from page 663 of Douglas Irwin’s indispensable 2017 volume, Clashing Over Commerce:

The collapse of Communism in 1989 allowed Eastern Europe and later the former Soviet Union to become integrated into the world economy, although their impact on global trade was modest. A more important consequence of the collapse was the discrediting of the socialist planning model, involving high trade barriers (rào cản thương mại, "ngăn sông cấm chợ) and state-led industrialization policies (các chính sách công nghiệp hóa của nhà nước), that had been embraced by many developing countries.

giáo sư DON BOUDREAUX: How short is human memory?! The correct lesson, identified above by Doug, that was drawn 30 years ago from communism’s collapse is now all but forgotten. Young people cheer the 19th-century dirigiste promises of Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as if these promises are new (“Progressive”!) and haven’t the abominable track record that they actually have.

Making matters even more bizarre is that increasing numbers of American conservatives also now embrace and peddle this dangerous dirigiste idiocy.

Tags: economics

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