Thêm vài bệnh nhân người Anh thì phá sản à?

áp dụng như campuchia nhé, thu luôn mỗi người 3.000 usd khi nhập cảnh (du lịch), nếu ko nhiễm thì được hoàn lại sau, còn nếu bị covid-19 thì sẽ được dùng để chi trả viện phí, nếu chẳng may ngỏm thì... thêm 1.500 usd tiền hỏa táng nữa :D
As tourism (du lịch) slowly resumes (chậm rãi khôi phục/hồi phục) around the world (trên toàn thế giới), many nations are still reluctant (ngại ngần) to open their borders fully (mở cửa hoàn toàn biên giới) – with Cambodia imposing (đánh (thuế...) ai/cái gì; bắt ai/cái gì phải làm/chịu cái gì; áp đặt) perhaps the toughest entry requirements of any country.

The south-east Asian country is popular with backpackers, and most renowned for the Unesco-listed temple complex at Angkor Wat.

What appears to be the first “coronavirus deposit” can be paid in cash or by credit card.

...But if one passenger on their flight tests positive for coronavirus, everyone on the same flight is quarantined in government-approved accommodation for two weeks, at a cost of $1,176 including meals, laundry and “sanitary services”. They must also pay another $100 for a second Covid-19 test. This totals a further £1,021.

If the traveller happens to be the coronavirus-positive patient, they will have to take up to four tests at another $100 (£80) each, as well as $3,150 (£2,500) for treatment at the Khmer-Soviet Friendship Hospital in the capital, Phnom Penh.


…Cambodia also imposes a requirement for $50,000 (£40,000) of travel insurance cover for medical treatment.

If the unfortunate (không may) arrival passes away (chết, qua đời), the Foreign Office warns: “The cremation service (dịch vụ hỏa táng) charge is $1,500 [£1,200].”

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