"Find the time" nghĩa là gì?

"Find the time" -> nghĩa là tuy bận rộn vẫn xoay xở dành thời gian để làm việc mình muốn.

Ví dụ
Playing three high school sports in addition to being on a club team is demanding. But George said she balanced her athletics with her academics by studying on plane rides, long car trips and anywhere else she could find the time.

With this increased intimacy, many pharmacies, as well as e-commerce sites, are reporting rising sales of condoms (bao cao su) and contraceptive pills (thuốc tránh thai) while some experts are already looking at a 'coronavirus boom' in December 2020 and an entire generation of quaranteens in 2033.

THE "pedalling" force behind the inaugural (buổi khai mạc, lễ khánh thành) Le Tour de Merriwa bike ride has been nominated for the prestigious (có uy tín) NSW/ACT Regional Achievement and Community Awards. Local pharmacist, and avid cyclist, Robert Smith will vie for the Awards Australia Connecting Communities category at the annual event. The competition's state-wide search recently began to locate that inspiring individual, who we all wonder where they always find the time.

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