"Imagine as" nghĩa là gì?

Thả hồn vào tác phẩm, hình dung mình là nhân vật chính. Photo by Rahul Shah from Pexels

"Imagine (someone or something) as (someone or something)" nghĩa là hình dung ra như là.

Ví dụ
We ask the readers of this anthology (hợp tuyển) to imagine as they read, how, in the past, men and women thought about individuals and groups, the sexual and the social, “in ways our culture has all but forgotten” (Williamson 132).

You are rolling out the dough (bột), feeling the pressure on your hands. You keep rolling. Once the dough is ready, imagine as you carefully move it into the pan. Perhaps you fold it into quarters before placing it there; perhaps you just move it over.

Imagine if, as a young adult, your daughter isn't shallowly shaped by materialism (xem trọng vật chất) or traditional culture. What if she were shaped to be inwardly secure (an toàn nội tâm) and outwardly giving? Imagine her as a passionate leader or team player who fulfills her calling to be part of God's kingdom in healthy relationships, understanding herself as a committed (tận tụy) transformer who gives her life away for the benefit of others.

Thu Phương

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