"In process of time" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Jacob Granneman

"In process of time" = trình tự thời gian -> nghĩa là thời gian trôi; vào thời điểm muộn hơn.

Ví dụ
Hari Singh Gour in his celebrated book on Penal Law of India (11th Edition 1998-99) aptly observed that "self-help is the first rule of criminal law. It still remains a rule, though in process of time much attenuated (cân nhắc, suy xét) by considerations of necessity, humanity, and social order. According to Bentham, in his book Principles of Penal Laws' has observed "the right of defence is absolutely necessary".

Victor was 17 when his beloved mother died of scarlet fever (sốt ban đỏ), leaving him bereft (bị tước, bị mất). A burning passion for science, beginning with anatomy (cơ thể học, giải phẫu), led him to reanimate (làm tươi vui lại) a being reassembled with body parts reclaimed from the dead. He says in the novel, “If I could bestow life on inanimate (vô tri vô giác) matter, I might in process of time renew life where death had devoted the body to corruption (sự hư hỏng, thiu thối).”

And Don Rankin said his words: “Let all the friends of justice and suffering humanity, do what little they can, in their several circles, and according to their various stations, capacities and opportunities; and all their little streams of exertion will (ý chí nỗ lực), in process of time, flow together, and constitute a mighty river that shall sweep away the yoke of oppression, and purge (minh oan, chuộc tội) our nation from the abominations (sự kinh tởm, đáng ghét) of slavery (chế độ nô lệ)” predicted the country’s future.

Ka Tina

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