"Leveraged Buy-out" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Chris Liverani on Unsplash.

Leveraged Buyout (LBO) là hình thức thực hiện M&A (mua bán, sáp nhập doanh nghiệp) với đòn bẩy tài chính cao (mua lại một công ty khác bằng phần lớn là tiền vay, tài sản của công ty bị mua lại thường được sử dụng làm tài sản đảm bảo cho các khoản vay).

Ví dụ
When Neiman Marcus filed for bankruptcy this month, it had a debt burden of almost $5 billion from leveraged buyouts led by private equity firms.

Detroit-based Compuware, once the largest tech company in Michigan, has passed from the hands of one private-equity firm into another through a debt-heavy leveraged buyout.

Over the years, Sycamore has been among retail's most prolific private equity acquirers, with fairly deep experience in apparel, including Nine West, which filed for bankruptcy under a load of debt leftover from Sycamore's leveraged buyout of the Jones Group.

Leveraged buyouts at the usual levels of private equity skin-in-the game have become somewhat more difficult because debt for deals has become harder to acquire. General partners may have to make a bigger investment than they have been used to (reducing leverage and, consequently, potential returns) to secure buyout financing but private equity is also likely to benefit from borrowing at historically low interest rates.

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