"Make a clean break" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by: Jackson Simmer on Unsplash

"Make a clean break" = giũ sạch, phủi tay -> nghĩa là vĩnh viễn rời khỏi một mối quan hệ hoặc tình huống, hay còn gọi là rửa tay gác kiếm đó.

Ví dụ
After breaking up with someone, it is even possible to remain friends, or must I just always make a clean break?

"I acquired the store and we wanted to make sure that we started everything over and that we have new ownership (quyền sở hữu), new attitude, new name,” said General Manager Brett Posey. “We wanted to make a clean break and this has actually been in the works since we got here."

His intention (ý định) was to make a clean break from the island and start a new, healthier life elsewhere with the people he really loved. Needless to say, things didn’t go exactly to plan…

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