"Make heavy weather of" nghĩa là gì?

Tôi chán lắm rồi! Photo courtesy: Erin Singleton

"Make heavy weather of" = làm thành cơn bão -> biến sự việc trở nên khó khăn, phức tạp hơn để thể hiện sự bất đồng; "bé xé ra to".

Ví dụ
So it is not surprising that adolescents (vị thành niên) sometimes make heavy weather of the whole process.

Poland gets 80% of its energy from coal. There are 90,000 people working as miners, and 90,000 more work in mining-related companies. But even if Polish politicians make heavy weather of setting long-term climate goals, recent years have seen coal mining being systematically (có hệ thống) wound down (thu hẹp lại) amid a reduction of jobs in the sector.

Although of course (tất nhiên) Boris is walking a tightrope (đi chênh vênh) even harder and higher than any of his last three predecessors (người tiền nhiệm), he doesn’t make heavy weather of the fact. There is a liberating power to ebullience (nhiệt tình). It is not quite charisma (uy tín; đức tính gây được lòng tin; sức thu hút của lãnh tụ (đối với quần chúng)) – an artificial construct in my opinion – but it certainly is star quality.

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