"Mission in life" nghĩa là gì?

Giữ mãi nụ cười trẻ thơ. Photo by Larm Rmah

“(One’s) mission in life” = sứ mệnh trong cuộc đời -> nghĩa là mục đích sống hoặc lý do mình sống trên đời này. Nó chính là động lực để bạn tiếp tục sống, cố gắng làm việc và tồn tại.

Ví dụ
One last thing, as you reach this milestone (sự kiện, cột mốc quan trọng) of success, your mission in life has either been written already on the tablet of your heart or will be discovered by you in the near future. A meaningful life is a purposeful one. Be purposeful. Be intentional. Do some things no one else has been brave enough to do.

“I can't even imagine what it's like to be African-American in America. I can tell you from my own experience what it's like to be Hispanic in Dallas in the 1970s growing up. One of the reasons why I became a police officer is because I did not like the way I was treated growing up,” Cato said. “My mission in life was to grow up to be a police officer, move up in the ranks so I can be a decision-maker, (and) have a seat at the table."

Joe Biden must be the next President of the United States. He is the antithesis (đối lập, mâu thuẫn) of Trump. He wants to unite us. His mission in life is to serve. His ambition is not to be king. He will not lie pathologically (một cách bệnh hoạn). He will not run a personal business from the Oval Office. He will not waste valuable time tweeting and golfing at his privately owned resorts. He will not embarrass America globally. He will rebuild America’s reputation abroad by rejoining and leading international agreements (hiệp ước quốc tế). He will bring hope to all Americans feeling ignored and disrespected by a corrupt administration (cơ quan quản lý tham nhũng) serving only themselves. He will treat all Americans equally regardless of race, religion or political party (đảng chính trị). He will protect all humanity’s home, the planet. Trump has denied climate change (biến đổi khí hậu) and used the Earth to exploit for profit.

Ka Tina

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