"Second-class citizen" nghĩa là gì?

Họ cũng như chúng ta, có quyền được đối xử bình đẳng và tôn trọng. Photo by Josh Hild from Pexels

"Second-class citizen" = công dân hạng hai -> nghĩa là người bị coi ở tầng lớp dưới, thấp kém, không được đối xử tử tế như những người khác.

Ví dụ
No one in Croatia should feel like a second-class citizen because of their gender or sexual orientation, President Zoran Milanovic said on Sunday.

In his post, Loftis Jr. says he’s tired of “being a second-class citizen to anyone screaming mindless chants that happen to align with the Leftists (phe cánh tả) running our bureaucracies (quan liêu).”

The father of Stephen Lawrence has said black people are still treated as second-class citizens in Britain, with police breaking promises to change they made two decades ago after being shamed by their failure to find his son’s racist killers.

In that, it suggests points will be awarded for being able to speak English to a certain standard, having a job offer from an approved employer and meeting a salary threshold of £25,600. But James said that makes lower-paid people second-class citizens.

Thu Phương

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