“Since the beginning of time” nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Ryan Parker

“Since/from the beginning of time” -> cụm từ này tương tự với "from time immemorial" nghĩa là từ thuở ban đầu, từ thời thượng cổ, từ ngàn xưa.

Ví dụ
Since the beginning of time, humans have told stories for education, historical record, and entertainment. The timeless adage "a picture is worth a thousand words" (một bức tranh hơn ngàn lời nói) is one we have all heard, and probably repeated, but I want to focus on the things that words can't describe.

“Immigrants make this country great. They’ve made it great since the beginning of time. Immigrants built this country. Slaves were brought by force to build this country. And today, immigrants mow your lawns, they feed you, they’re packaging your food, they’re helping you in ways you don’t even know.”

It wasn’t the universe-starting Big Bang, but it might be the biggest explosion (vụ nổ) since. Astronomers (phi hành gia) say they’ve detected a black hole-triggered explosion so large that it could have obliterated our own Milky Way galaxy (thiên hà) with plenty of room to spare, making it the biggest blast ever recorded since the beginning of time.

Ka Tina

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