"Sit in judgment" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by: August de Richelieu on Unsplash

"Sit in judgment on/over somebody/something" = ngồi phán xét -> nghĩa là phán xét ai đó nhất là khi không có quyền như vậy.

Ví dụ
They have the power to drive them to leave the legal workforce (lực lượng lao động). And most importantly, they sit in judgment on some of our highest courts and even preside (chủ trì) over sexual assault and harassment cases.

Developers are happy to play along, knowing that they’re buying goodwill (thiện chí) too — with the council members who will eventually sit in judgment over their projects.

There are besides many others — dancers, Arjuna setting out to battle Karna, who is in the opposite pillar, Manmatha smiling at Rathi who faces him. A purushamrgam (upper half man and lower half lion) chases Bhima and the two are faced by Yudishtira, who will eventually sit in judgment over their conflict (mâu thuẫn).

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