"Suit yourself " nghĩa là gì?

"Cậu muốn làm gì thì làm, đừng gọi cho tôi nữa!" Photo by Gustavo Fring from Pexels

"Suit oneself" nghĩa là hành động tùy ý, muốn làm gì thì làm.

Ví dụ
I should not mind if such a man paid attention to me, but suit yourself. If you don't care for his company, tell him as much.

Beans are anchors in blogger Deb Perelman’s casserole (thịt hầm) — a stand in for pasta, to which you add chopped onions, carrots, celery (cần tây), curly kale (cải xoăn), tomato sauce, a splash of red or white wine (suit yourself)...

I will suit myself, you impudent baggage (con ranh con), and you may think yourself well off I don't send for a policeman and give you in charge, for this is not the first time the money has gone, and how am I to be sure you had not gone to the front door as a cloak?

“Hand me those cups in the basket,” she said.
“I’m serious, Gwen. I’m not going to kill a bottle of vino (một loại rượu rẻ tiền) with you in the middle of the day while I’m wearing my uniform.” 
“Suit yourself.” She reached into the basket and pulled out two red Solo cups.

Thu Phương

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