“The school of life” nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Markus Spiske

“The school of life” = trường đời -> nghĩa là bạn nhận được bài học bởi những trải nghiệm thực tế trong cuộc sống, nó cho bạn cả điều tích cực lẫn tiêu cực hơn hẳn so với việc ngồi học trên ghế nhà trường.

Ví dụ
Husband and I have set the bar low when it comes to home schooling. If all four of us get through this a) alive and b) sane, it’s job done as far as we are concerned. Lockdown is the school of life; any academic education that might occur is a bonus. Husband does a bit of maths and English with the boys in the mornings, while I’m working. The only thing I have managed to stick to consistently is helping them practise music.

At age 15 Adán abandoned high school to pursue a career in the “school of life.” He started out as a dishwasher at La Champagne, a traditional French food restaurant in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, where he met his mentor and putative (được coi là) father: Chef Ed Doherty, who welcomed him as he was barely babbling (bập bẹ) English, and taught him everything from the name of every single ingredient (thành phần) to the art of the food industry.

Sport, an indispensable subject (môn học rất cần thiết) in the school of life. "Sport is symbolic (biểu tượng). It’s the school of perseverance (tính kiên trì, bền chí)." Stéphane Diagana writes for Peace and Sport. With the way I have experienced sport, I know that it is a personal development tool for all young people. If we know how to accompany them in the practice of sport, we can train responsible and committed citizens. The goal is to compete in a competitive process while respecting the opponent (đối thủ). Whether they are excellent or not, they must be respected. These are values that are useful in social life. Beyond sport, we also find ourselves in situations of competition and collective work where we have to assume our responsibilities.

Ka Tina

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