"White knuckler" nghĩa là gì?

Phim kinh dị thì nên xem từ 2 mình trở lên. :D Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

"White knuckler" (tiếng lóng) nghĩa là người hoặc tình huống tạo ra sự gay cấn, căng thẳng, hồi hộp, lo lắng, sợ hãi.

Ví dụ
Her escape scene is a white-knuckler, that perfectly sets the intense and chaotic tone for the rest of the film.

"Be ready: It's going to be a real white knuckler condition, I think, for the overnight hours Wednesday into Thursday morning's commute (chuyển đổi)," DeVore said. "Thursday morning looks like a real mess."

Like “Black Hawk Down”, the whole of Christopher Nolan’s “Dunkirk” is a battle scene, and at a taut (căng thẳng) 106 minutes, it’s a one-of-a-kind white-knuckler that makes you wonder how anyone survived this conflict.

Starz won’t like this, but if you want to check out one of the most underrated (bị đánh giá thấp) horror movies of the 1980s, do the one-week trial subscription and watch Sidney J. Furie’s “The Entity." Based on a real-life account (one that you needn’t acquaint yourself with beforehand), this white-knuckler of a ghost story stars Barbara Hershey as a single mother being preyed upon (săn mồi) by a sexually violent poltergeist (yêu tinh).

Thu Phương

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