"White trash" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Wendy Wei from Pexels

"White trash" = người da trắng rác rưởi -> nghĩa là xúc phạm người da trắng ở tầng lớp thấp.

Ví dụ
This morning the newspaper issued a statement and Smith an apology, after he went on a mini-rant (huênh hoang) ripping Trump supporters and calling them white trash, among other things. “The white trashiest people in Delco, with toys stewm all over their front lawn, are also the ones with Trump flags,” wrote Smith.

On its most basic level, the premise for Infamous could best be summarized by throwing together as many Florida clichés as you can think up, and not in a satirical (châm biếm) Good Place manner. In short, a white trash diner waitress hooks up with an ex-con (cựu tù nhân) in the back of his car before embarking on a poorly-planned crime spree (vui chơi tiệc tùng).

Flom told the New York Post that the woman “ran in my face” and alleged (cáo buộc) that that the video had been “edited” to make her “look like a racist.” She “put her narrative on it to make me look like a racist,” Flom said of the Instagram post. “She twisted the entire thing like she’s some poor girl sitting alone on a bench and I’m white trash, harassing her for no reason.”

Thu Phương

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