"Bring in its train" nghĩa là gì?

Hãy để ý tới con nhiều hơn. Photo by Ksenia Makagonova on Unsplash

"Bring (something) in its train" nghĩa là nguyên nhân gây ra điều gì.

Ví dụ
Defeat (thất bại) would bring in its train precisely those transformations which the war was designed to prevent.

It is only in light of our knowledge of Europe that we can come up with a correct program and that we can learn to deal with the destruction (hủy diệt) that this European invasion (xâm lược) brings in its train.

Like that glacier, some forms of autism (tự kỷ) do respond to relatively small changes in emotional temperatures, in the child or in someone else relating to him: this may bring in its train huge cascades of emotion which the child may find difficult to regulate (điều tiết).

Moreover, his family obligations are involved. If he is incarcerated (bỏ tù), the family often has no alternative but to go on relief (cứu trợ). The disruption of the family unity, moreover, brings in its train its own social problems, particularly as to juveniles (vị thành niên).

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