"Don't strain yourself" nghĩa là gì?

Thả lỏng và giải phóng cơ thể. Photo by Fabio Marciano from Pexels

"Don't strain yourself" nghĩa là đừng căng thẳng, đừng hoảng loạn, không cần vội. Thường có ý mỉa mai.

Ví dụ
“Don't strain yourself.” I was always suspicious (nghi ngờ) of people who made a point of proclaiming their honesty.

Well, darling, don't strain too much, just do the splits and the pirouettés (múa xoay tròn bằng mũi chân) and maybe the fouettés (nhón chân và xoay), but don't strain yourself.

Ask yourself some more No questions until you get a good sense of the way it feels. Be sure to keep the pressure equal in both fingers, and don't strain yourself by pressing or pushing hard.

Don't strain yourself by trying to lift the client's limbs if they're too heavy for you, or by attempting to achieve stretches that are beyond your comfortable capabilities. And don't try to support parts of the client's body for longer than is comfortable.

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