"Excuse my French" nghĩa là gì?

Xin thứ lỗi cho mị. Photo courtesy: lizzylayne1

"Excuse/pardon my French" = thứ lỗi cho tiếng Pháp của tôi -> xin lỗi vì lỡ văng tục hoặc thô lỗ. Người Anh đã có những lúc từng rất không ưa người Pháp. Thế nên là cứ cái gì không hay, không lịch sự, hơi thô tục là họ đổ cho người Pháp, tiếng Pháp.

Ví dụ
Guy Verhofstadt, the European parliament’s Brexit coordinator, commented at the time: “Conservative party donors, backing (chống lưng) Brexit but at the same time seeking EU citizenship via Cyprus. Pardon my French but ordinary British citizens are being screwed over by their elite.”

Real diversity and inclusivity (bao hàm) starts at the decision-making table. Consumers will be looking for brands who take on this challenge in a genuine manner, who really address this moment of change from the inside out. I don’t think we can get underneath the diversity and inclusivity layer without some kicks in the butt, excuse my French, without some real rude awakenings.

It's hard to single people out, but I guess one side would be the group of women that raised me. I come from a very strong group of women in my family who, excuse my French, took no shit, took no shit. So I had that kind of power instilled in (thấm nhuần) me, and I'm very grateful for it because people were going to try me, and everybody knew that.

Ngân Nguyễn

Bài trước: "The lights are on, but no one's home" nghĩa là gì?
Tags: phrase

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