"Like a dying duck in a thunderstorm" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by yx elle

"Like a dying duck in a thunderstorm" = như chú vịt chết trong cơn giông -> nghĩa là trông như bị từ chối, loại bỏ hoặc vô vọng.

Ví dụ
It will handle like a dying duck in a thunderstorm, be poorly built, have an incredibly thiry engine and lose its value faster than the Euro.

Come here, duck. Or come here, ducky. Come here, honey. A very shocking foreigner used to say a dying duck in a thunderstorm. A dying duck in a thunderstorm. Rosemary is looking like a dying duck in a thunderstorm. Rosemary was very surprised.

If you’ve been in business for a while, you know that it is filled with both highs and lows, times that are prosperous (thịnh vượng, phát đạt) and times that are tough. On both sides of the coin, it is tempting to respond a certain way. When times are good, we may be tempted to take it easy and stop doing the things that led to our success. In bad times, when things look like a dying duck in a thunderstorm, we may be tempted to despair (tuyệt vọng) or give up entirely. Both reactions are understandable but carry significant risk.

Ka Tina

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