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người đàn ông khỏa thân đã được cứu sau 24h ở dưới cống...
A naked man may have spent more than 24 hours alone in the Duluth sewer system (hệ thống cống rãnh/cống nước thải).

Duluth firefighters (lính cứu hỏa) rescued (cứu hộ) him Thursday evening a little after 5:00 p.m. A passerby had heard his yells for help. Rescue crews (đội cứu hộ) lifted a manhole cover (nắp cống) and found the man in distress (đau đớn, cảnh khốn cùng). He was taken to a hospital to be treated for hypothermia (giảm nhiệt), then held for observation. A witness had told authorities Wednesday about watching a man enter the sewer system near I-35, leaving a stack of clothes behind. A two-hour search turned up nothing.

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