"No more Mr. Nice Guy" nghĩa là gì?

Tôi sẽ không để yên đâu! Photo by Mustafa ezz from Pexels

"No more Mr. Nice Guy" nghĩa là không còn tỏ ra tử tế, dễ chịu, khoan dung như trước nữa.

Ví dụ
To all those who wish to continue harassing and slandering my name I will be recording all names to send to the police! NO MORE MR NICE GUY!!!

Why burn an elk statue? What a lovely thing to make a statue for, one of God's furry friends! These TERRORISTS (kẻ khủng bố) MUST BE ARRESTED & PROSECUTED UNDER TERRORISM LAWS. NO MORE MR. NICE GUY.

The Chinese Communist Party has effectively turned Hong Kong into another concentration camp (trại tập trung). Now we will take away all of their "preferred" status perks (đặc quyền) and punish them for continuing bad behavior. I guess that means "No more Mr. Nice Guy".

No more Mr. Nice Guy, Lindsey. This fish rots (thối) from the head. Let Obama try to pull a Lois Lerner & invoke the 5th. Exposing this criminal fraud (gian lận) would set a good precedent (tiền đề) & go a long way toward Trump’s goal of assuring that this never happen to another president.

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