"Nurse a grudge against" nghĩa là gì?

Không nên để trẻ có ý nghĩ hận thù. Photo by Maya Anggraeni from Pexels

"Nurse a grudge (against one)" nghĩa là ôm mối hận thù, chất chứa sự oán giận dai dẳng với ai.

Ví dụ
However, the king of the deities (vị thần) Indra had not been made the main dignitary (chức sắc) for this ritual, and this caused him to nurse a grudge against Bhangaswana.

Yet he did not harbor (nuôi dưỡng) offense or nurse a grudge against his brothers. He forgave them and declared that it was God who had allowed his “misfortune” so that he could help to save their lives in the end.

What you don't want your child to do is to nurse a grudge. Because an only child has a hard time getting used to normal emotional injury in relationships, he can have an especially hard time getting over a hurt and letting it go.

There could be hundreds of men nursing grudges against Abdul Jabaar, thought Muzaffar with a silent groan (rên rỉ). True, few men would be able to summon up the courage to actually kill a man, no matter how grievous (đau đớn) the hurt caused.

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