"On your own volition" nghĩa là gì?

Tự mình điều tra sẽ rất khó khăn đấy. Photo by Ali Hajian on Unsplash

"On one's own volition" nghĩa là tự nguyện, không bị ép buộc, tự ý mình.

Ví dụ

What interests me in this thing is that I understood him to say that he is doing it on his own volition.

In other words, you cannot, by your own volition , start an investigation (điều tra), but you have to secure authorization (được phép) from someone in higher authority?

You have admitted your culpability (có tội), on your own volition. You are guilty of assault and you must suffer the consequences. You have one of two choices. Make your decision wisely.

Under your twisted assumptions (giả định) it was for authority over His son after His death. In return, you gave up your supposed complete authority to prevent creation from returning to their King on their own volition.

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