"Throw a bone to" nghĩa là gì?

"Throw a bone to (someone)" = ném cục xương cho ai -> nghĩa là cố gắng dỗ dành/xoa dịu ai bằng cách cho họ những điều có chút giá trị/quan trọng hoặc giúp họ vài việc nhỏ.

Ví dụ
There are very few people at ESPN who can do what they want. Woj is one of them. So the reported suspension (sự đình chỉ) is nothing more than a perfunctory (hời hợt, chiếu lệ, đại khái) move to throw anti-ESPN people a bone, even though that's a useless gesture because people who think ESPN has an agenda will never be happy with anything the network does.

The possible location of the concert has also become a hot topic on social media. Will it be held in China, or will they throw a bone to the international fans and host it outside of China? No one knows. However, considering that a lot of the world is still suffering through COVID-19 restrictions (sự cấm, hạn chế), any kind of travel for something like this soon seems unlikely. All we can say is, watch this space.

“This is not a status quo plan,” said Gov. Jay Inslee of Washington, a prominent environmentalist (nhà môi trường học nổi tiếng) who ran a climate-focused campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination (sự đề cử tổng thống đảng dân chủ) and later endorsed Mr. Biden. He added: “It is comprehensive. This is not some sort of, ‘Let me just throw a bone to those who care about climate change.’” Mr. Inslee called the proposal “visionary.”

Ka Tina

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