"Word of honour" nghĩa là gì?

không bán dữ liệu... Photo by Franki Chamaki on Unsplash

'Word of honour' nghĩa là lời nói/lời hứa danh dự.

Ví dụ
Pichai gives his word of honour: Google will never sell data to 3rd parties.

Mr Modi's national-security adviser toured affected districts, giving his “word of honour” that residents could feel safe.

“My dear Son, say no more, only come to my arms! Not one harsh word will you hear. For God’s sake don’t bring misery (nghèo khổ, cơ cực, khốn cùng, bất hạnh) on your own head. You shall be received as lovingly as ever. We can discuss in a friendly manner what is to be done and settled as to the future. I pledge my word of honour you’ll meet with no reproaches (trách mắng, chỉ trích, sỉ nhục) from me, you can expect only the most affectionate (biểu lộ sự trìu mến với ai; có tình) care and assistance from me. Only come, come to the faithful heart of your father Beethoven. Set off the moment you receive this letter. For God’s sake come home today, for we cannot tell what risks you run. Hasten, hasten to me.”

Phạm Hạnh

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