"A light bulb going off in your brain" nghĩa là gì?

Điều khiến bạn ấn tượng nhất dạo gần đây là? Photo by Burly Vinson from Pexels

"A light bulb going off in (one's) brain" = ánh sáng lóe lên trong đầu -> nghĩa là bị ấn tượng hoặc được truyền cảm hứng bởi một ý tưởng, cái nhìn sâu sắc... "Go off" được hiểu là bật, hoạt động.

Ví dụ
When we discovered the five love languages, it was like a massive light bulb going off in both of our brains at once. I suddenly realized that Sam's main language was Acts of Service.

When you first start to feel, it will be like a light bulb going off in your brain and suddenly it all starts to fall into place. I used to be the sort of horse breaker that used martingales (đai ghì đầu), running reins (dây cương) etc...

After the session, a woman in her early forties approached the platform (bục diễn thuyết) to speak with me. We shook hands, exchanged pleasantries (lời nhận xét lịch sự), and then she got right to it. “Your speech caused a light bulb to go off in my brain this morning,” she chuckled.

"I have never talked to anyone about this. I have been living this way for so many years, and now by me just speaking out this stuff it feels like a 1000 pound weight has been lifted of my chest." At this moment I noticed there was a new expression on his face, which I had never seen previously. It was like a light bulb went off in his brain.

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