"At odds with the world" nghĩa là gì?

Đừng đắm chìm quá sâu vào những cảm xúc tiêu cực. Photo by Limuel Gonzales from Pexels 

"At odds with the world/oneself" = mâu thuẫn với thế giới -> nghĩa là khó chịu, không hài lòng, bất mãn về cuộc sống hoặc với chính mình.

Ví dụ
When you are perplexed (lúng túng) or in turmoil (bối rối) about your relationship with a mate, child, parent, sibling, or friend, it can be difficult to ignore. Yet when you are puzzled by or at odds with yourself, it may be easier to look the other way.

But this account is at odds with what we know from biology about the sequencing (sự sắp xếp) of life forms, the age of the earth, and the struggle of life against life. Genesis (nguồn gốc), however, is not at odds with the real world; evolution (tiến hóa) is.'

Do you feel wiser or less of a person? The chances are that whereas you're wise enough to know what's happening to your body, the changes have left you feeling more than a little at odds with yourself. Perhaps, you're wondering who you are and worrying why you feel so awkward and unsure about your looks and personality.

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