"Fall into a heap" nghĩa là gì?

Ngủ đủ giấc là liều thuốc cho tinh thần Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

"Fall into a heap" nghĩa là trở nên xúc động, buồn bã; ngã/đổ gục xuống.

Ví dụ
"If Medevac fails, we're going to fall into a heap. I don't know what will happen to the guys but I know what will happen here - anger and frustration," Sr Keogh said.

However, this love connection is so deeply rooted that he would risk his own life to save hers and vice versa. Likewise, if she acted out and turned against Gotham to plan and destroy it, Batman would fall into a heap of misery. If it came down to it, she could easily defeat him.

As a mother of a four-year-old and someone who suffers from debilitating endometriosis (viêm nội mạc tử cung), I was battling fatigue (mệt mỏi), anxiety and working-mum-guilt coupled with an overwhelming feeling of discontent in my work. Exerting (nỗ lực, sức ép) all of my energy at work was commonplace and I would fall into a heap on the couch as I walked through the door each night. 

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