"Fall off the perch" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by: Anton Darius on Unsplash

"Fall off the perch" = rơi khỏi cành cây -> nghĩa là chết/tử vong. 

Ví dụ
"You know how we depict (miêu tả) hell as all fire and all the rest of it," he said, recounting his ordeal while standing among the ashes of his home. "Well I estimate (ước tính) that I've been to hell. So when I fall off the perch, I won't be going to hell because they've rejected me and said: 'You're not wanted here, you're not suitable, buzz off.'"

Why? The Macro picture, an overbought , overvalued (định giá quá cao) market, plus my canaries were technically looking very ill and about to fall off the perch, and, for myself I add my own assessments i.e. the "fragility factor" very high at that time which turned out to be for a good reason(s).

The fear we have now is that my generation are the last that was classically trained in the trade, if we fall off the perch or retire (nghỉ hưu) a lot of the tradition and skill will be lost.

Ngọc Lân

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