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công ty bia ở florida dùng bướm làm thành phần trong quá trình ủ bia...

The yeast (men bia) for Frosted Elfin New England-Style Session Pale Ale originated from (bắt nguồn từ) the bodies of live frosted (đông giá, sương giá) elfins (yêu tinh) in the Apalachicola National Forest. The butterflies once ranged from central Florida to Ontario, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service said, but have declined nationwide due to habitat loss.

The beer was a collaboration (sự hợp tác) between the brewery and scientists at the Florida Museum of Natural History, who netted the butterflies and gently swabbed them for yeast before releasing them back into the forest. Those yeast samples were multiplied in petri dishes to produce what was needed for brewing.

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Tags: beer

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