"Have a hunch that" nghĩa là gì?

Lá bài sẽ nói cho bạn biết linh cảm của mình đúng hay sai. Photo by Alina Vilchenko from Pexels

"Have a hunch that (is the case)" hoặc "have a hunch (about someone or something)" nghĩa là có linh cảm rằng.

Ví dụ
He'd already had a hunch that was the case, but it was nice to have it confirmed. The whole thing was just wrapped up now.

They have been coded with more than one code. This is a useful feature when you have a hunch that a certain category might be related to some other one.

I have a hunch, however, that as we get to know one another better and really get down to the work that group members came for, the outside-of-group contact will decrease.

I've had a hunch for decades that intuitive (trực giác) knowledge travels the same communication line as mental telepathy (thần giao cách cảm), prayer, and other communications beyond our five senses. Today, I'm even more convinced.

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